ucore is a teaching OS which is derived from xv6&jos in MIT, OS161 in Harvard and Linux.
ucore was developed and used in Department of Computer Science & Technology, Institute for Interdisciplinary Information Sciences, Tsinghua University.
The codes in the files that constitute xv6&jos are Copyright (2006-Current) Frans Kaashoek, Robert Morris, and Russ Cox and uses MIT License.
The codes in the files that constitute OS/161 are written by David A. Holland.
The codes in the files that constitute ucore are Copyright (2010-Current) Yu Chen, Naizheng Wang, Yong Xiang and uses GPL License.
The documents in the files that constitute ucore are Copyright (2010-Current) Yu Chen, Yong Xiang and uses Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike (CC-BY-SA) License.
Working in Linux is encouraged. But If you Like to work in MS Windows, we provide virtual machine environment (Runnint Ubuntu in VirtualBox) in
Windows to help you to finish the labs. If you don't want to install ubuntu and other softs to finish these labs in Windows, you can use
VirtualBox soft (https://www.virtualbox.org/) and a virtual disk image with all these softs. Below example is shown how to setup lab environment in Windows.
You can download this virtual disk image -- oslabs_for_student_2012.zip (576.2MB,) from http://pan.baidu.com/share/link?shareid=69868&uk=2585194235, which
is an VirtualBox disk image (contains ubuntu 12.04 and needed softs, and is zipped with zip and xz format), and can be unzipped
by haozip software (http://www.haozip.com).
After unzip oslabs_for_student_2012.zip, you will get
then you will continue unzip all these files, and get