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\cnitem[14] True or false?
\questionandanswer[]{Suppose Host A is sending a large file to Host B over a TCP connection. If the sequence number for a segment of this connection is m, then the sequence number for the subsequent segment will necessarily be $m+1$.}{
\questionandanswer[]{Host A is sending Host B a large file over a TCP connection. Assume Host B has no data to send Host A. Host B will not send acknowledgments to Host A because Host B cannot piggyback the acknowledgments on data.}{
\questionandanswer[]{Suppose that the last SampleRTT in a TCP connection is equal to 1 sec. The current value of Timeout Interval for the connection will necessarily be $\geqslant $ l sec.}{
sRTT = 0.875sRTT + 0.125SampleRTT
DevRTT = 0.75DevRTT + 0.25\left\vert SampleRTT - sRTT \right\vert
Timeout = sRTT + 4 DevRTT
sRTT = 0.125\quad DevRTT = 0.25\quad Timeout = 0.125 + 4 \times 0.25 = 1.125
$sRTT$增加或者$DevRTT$增加都会使Timeout增加因此$Timeout \geqslant 1.125$,所以$Timeout \geqslant 1$正确。
\questionandanswer[]{Suppose Host A is sending Host B a large file over a TCP connection. The number of unacknowledged bytes that A sends cannot exceed the size of the receive buffer.}{
\questionandanswer[]{The size of the TCP RcvWindow never changes throughout the duration of the connection.}{
错误TCP RcvWindow会根据接收端的接收能力变化。
\questionandanswer[]{The TCP segment has a field in its header for Rcvwindow.}{
\questionandanswer[]{Suppose Host A sends one segment with sequence number 38 and 4 bytes of data over a TCP connection to Host B. In this same segment the acknowledgment number is necessarily 42.}{
\questionandanswer[2]{UDP and TCP use 1s complement for their checksums. Suppose you have the following three 8-bit bytes: 010101010111000001001100. What is the 1s
complement of the sum of these 8-bit bytes?(Note that although UDP and TCP use
16-bit words in computing the checksumfor this problem you are being asked to
consider 8-bit sums.) Show all work. }{
$ $ & $\ 0\ 1\ 0\ 1\ 0\ 1\ 0\ 1$ \\
$ $ & $\ 0\ 1\ 1\ 1\ 0\ 0\ 0\ 0$ \\
$+$ & $\ 0\ 1\ 0\ 0\ 1\ 1\ 0\ 0$ \\
直接求和 & $\ 1\ 0\ 0\ 0\ 1\ 0\ 0\ 0\ 1$ \\
进位加到末尾 & $\ 0\ 0\ 0\ 1\ 0\ 0\ 1\ 0$ \\
取反 & $\ 1\ 1\ 1\ 0\ 1\ 1\ 0\ 1$
\questionandanswer[-]{Why is it that UDP takes the 1s complement of
the sum; that is, why not just use the sum? }{
\questionandanswer[-]{With the 1s complement scheme, how does the receiver detect errors?}{
\questionandanswer[-]{Is it possible that a 1-bit error will go undetected? How
about a 2-bit error?}{
\questionandanswer[5]{Consider our motivation for correcting protocol rdt2.1. Show that the receiver, shown in the following figure, when operating with the sender shown in Figure 3.11, can lead the sender and receiver to enter into a deadlock statewhere each is waiting for an event that will never occur.
\questionandanswer[22]{Consider the GBN and SR protocols. Suppose the sequence number space is of
size k. What is the largest allowable sender window that will avoid the occurrence of
problems such as that in Figure 3.27 for each of these protocols?
\cnitem[24]{P24.Consider transferring an enormous file of $L$ bytes from Host A to Host B. P24 MSS 为 536 字节)
\questionandanswer[]{What is the maximum value of $L$ such that TCP sequence numbers are not exhausted? Recall that the TCP sequence number field has 4 bytes.\label{a}}{
由于TCP协议的序号有4个字节那么序号范围就是$0\sim 2^{4\times 8}-1$因此如果需要TCP的序号不耗尽L最大取$2^{4\times 8} = 4294967296 = 4 \mathrm{Gi}$\\
\questionandanswer[]{For the $L$ you obtain in (\ref{a}) , find how long it takes to transmit the file. Assume that a total of 66 bytes of transport, network, and data-link header are added to each segment before the resulting packet is sent out over a 10 Mbps link. Ignore flow control and congestion control so A can pump out the segments back to back and continuously.}{
一共要分$\displaystyle \frac{L}{MSS}=\frac{2^{32}}{536}$个段,每段的长度为$536+66 = 602$ (bytes),于是需要传输的数据的总长度为 ($\displaystyle \frac{2^{32}}{536}\times 602$) bytes。
\frac{\left( \frac{2^{32}}{536}\times 602 \right) \mathrm{bytes}}{10 \mathrm{Mbps}}=\frac{\left( \frac{2^{32}}{536}\times 602 \times 8\right) \mathrm{bit}}{(10\times 2^{20})\mathrm{bit}/\mathrm{s}} = \frac{1232896}{335} \approx 3680.28656716418\approx 61.338 分钟
\cnitem[32]{Consider Figure 3.58.
Assuming TCP \textbf{Reno} is the protocol experiencing the behavior shown above, answer the following questions. In all casesyou should provide a short discussion justifying your answer.
\questionandanswer[]{What is the value of Threshold \textit{ssthresh} at the 18th transmission round?
\questionandanswer[]{What is the value of Threshold \textit{ssthresh} at the 24th transmission round?
\questionandanswer[]{Identify the intervals of time when TCP slow start is operating.
\questionandanswer[]{Assuming a packet loss is detected after the 26th round by the receipt of a triple duplicate ACKwhat will be the values of the congestion window size and of Threshold \textit{ssthresh}?
\questionandanswer[]{After the 16th transmission round,is segment loss detected by a triple duplicate ACK or by a timeout?
\questionandanswer[]{After the 22nd transmission round, is segment loss detected by a triple duplicate ACK or by a timeout?
\questionandanswer[]{Identify the intervals of time when TCP congestion avoidance is operating.
\questionandanswer[]{What is the initial value of Threshold \textit{ssthresh} at the first transmission round?
\questionandanswer[]{During what transmission round is the 70th segment sent?
1,2,4,8,16,32,33, \cdots \cdots
则可以注意到前6轮发的段的数量为$1+2+4+8+16+32 = 63$前7轮发的段的数量为$1+2+4+8+16+32+33 = 96$,而$63<70<96$因此第70个段在第7轮发出。
\questionandanswer[]{Suppose TCP \textbf{Tahoe} is used (instead of TCP \textbf{Reno}), and assume that triple duplicate ACKs are received at the 16th round. What are the \textit{ssthresh} and the congestion window size at the 19th round?
第16轮原先的拥塞窗口为42若使用TCP \textbf{Tahoe}则收到三个重复的ACK后第17轮的\textit{ssthresh}变为42的一半即21拥塞窗口大小变为1。因此第19轮的\textit{ssthresh}为21拥塞窗口大小为4。
\questionandanswer[]{Again suppose TCP \textbf{Tahoe} is used, and there is a timeout event at 22nd round.How many packets have been sent out from 17th round till 22nd round, inclusive?
1+2+4+8+16+21 = 52
\item[] 【2010统考真题】主机甲和主机乙之间已建立一个TCP连接TCP最大段长为1000B。若主机甲的当前拥塞窗口为4000B在主机甲向主机乙连续发送两个最大段后成功收到主机乙发送的第一个段的确认段确认段中通告的接收窗口大小为2000B则此时主机甲还可以向主机乙发送的最大字节数是(B).
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A. 1000 & B. 2000 & C. 3000 & D. 4000 \\
\item[] 【2020统考真题】若主机甲与主机乙建立TCP连接时发送的SYN段中的序号为1000,在断开连接时甲发送给乙的FIN段中的序号为5001则在无任何重传的情况下甲向乙已经发送的应用层数据的字节数为(C).
A. 4002 & B. 4001 & C. 4000 & D. 3999 \\
由题意可知是主机甲主动发起连接并且主机甲主动断开连接。主机甲发送的SYN段不应携带应用层数据之后主机乙向主机甲发送ACK+SYN主机甲再发送ACK段时可以携带应用层数据此时这个携带数据的ACK的序号为1001。而甲发送给乙的FIN段序号为5001也不应携带应用层数据所以携带应用层数据的字节序号为1001到5000因此发送的应用层数据的字节数为 $5000-1001+1=4000$
\item[] 【2021统考真题】设主机甲通过TCP向主机乙发送数据部分过程如下图所示。甲在$t_0$时刻发送一个序号seq=501、封装200B数据的段,在$t_1$时刻收到乙发送的序号seq=601、确认序号ack\_seq=501、接收窗口rcvwnd= 500B的段则甲在未收到新的确认段之前可以继续向乙发送的数据序号范围是(A).
A. $501\sim 1000$ & B. $601\sim 1100$ & C. $701\sim 1000$ & D. $801\sim 1100$ \\
此题中,主机甲初始的发送窗口大小未知,那么只能根据甲在$t_1$时刻收到乙发送的段来判断此段中确认序号为501所以甲需要重发序号为501的段接收窗口为500B则说明甲在收到新的确认段之前最多只能发送500B的应用层数据因此甲可以继续向乙发送的数据序号范围是$501\sim 1000$